The only addons permitted is distance, toasty, time stamp, and recast. Mine was set as a read-only at first Make sure Ashita is set to the correct file location to load. Make sure the file didn't duplicate itself.
Also be sure you didn't make two ashita folders during install or something. You saved the JSON and reloaded the plugin? It wont update in real time. Any clue as to why? Post Posted: Mon Jun 20, am. No matter what I put in for position they don't move. I changed this to your settings and the timers don't change position at all.
I saw there was one on Ashita, but when I try to load it in game it gave some kind of error, spamming my chat box with red until I unloaded it. What addons are currently allowed on Nasomi? Also, assuming it's allowed, is there any way to re-position the recast addon timers? One more question Assuming its allowed, is there an addon to display pet TP?