Unique sets are marked with an asterisk *, whereby we'll note where to find them.Occasionally one item of a set might rank higher than another for defense, but we're only considering items from a set as part of that overall group. We've ordered the below by full set stats, rather than individual stats, with items that don't belong to a specific set being included in a separate list.Generally, our rankings are based on the defenses provided, with weight a secondary factor. Whilst still an important factor for affecting movement speed, weight is generally less crucial for armor as it is for weaponry, particularly with the weight-removing Perks for the Light and Heavy armor skill trees unlocked.If you're looking to craft or enchant your armor, be sure to check out our detailed guide to power-levelling Smithing and Enchanting skills to hit that level cap and craft the best gear in the game as quickly as possible.Before we dive into the specifics of the best sets and individual pieces of kit, there are a couple points to bear in mind: